About Me

Hi there! My name is Elizabeth Bohan. At Tulip & Sage, I aim to inspire wellness, personal growth, and mindfulness.

What started as a deep passion for helping others live balanced and fulfilling lives has blossomed into a thriving online platform.

I am delighted to have built Tulip & Sage into a trusted resource for readers seeking inspiration and practical advice on living well.

My Mission

My mission at Tulip & Sage is to inspire, educate, and engage with you. My content is carefully crafted to provide valuable insights and actionable tips.

From mindfulness practices to personal development strategies, I strive to cover every aspect of living a balanced and fulfilling life.

Join Our Community

At Tulip & Sage, I believe in the power of community. Your feedback, stories, and passion help shape my content and guide my journey.

Join me as we explore wellness, personal growth, and mindfulness together. Share your experiences, ask questions, and connect with others who share your interests.